Copyright 101

Guidelines for posting potentially copyrighted material on your social media accounts

What kinds of material can be copyrighted?

Written work Photos Music Video Published work Artwork Software

Is it fair use?

Determining fair use of materials can be difficult, but it likely is fair use if the use falls under one of these categories: The purpose of use is non-profit, educational, or personal Published material is factual in nature Only a small amount of the material will be posted Impact on the market for the material is very small

Not fair use?

It’s possible that the use does not fall under the fair use rule if it falls under one of these categories: You’re using the material for a commercial The material is unpublished Most of the material will be posted Posting the material will hurt the original owner

What happens if I illegally use copyrighted material?

You may receive a “cease and desist” letter The owner of the copyrighted material may get an injunction or a court order to get you to stop using their material The owner may also file a claim for damages suffered

What if I want to repost something from social media?

When materials are posted on sites like Facebook, they immediately fall under an Intellectual Property (IP) license. This means that those materials are allowed to be shared all over the world without further permission and without paying any royalties. Some sites also reserve the right to change, commercialize, or display those materials. The IP license ends when the original materials or account is deleted unless the materials have been shared with others who have not deleted it.

How do I get permission to use copyrighted materials?

Contact the owner Contact Contact UT’s general counsel